Lipotropic Injections for Sale from Pharmacy Rx Solutions

Lipotropic InjectionsLipotropic injections may be just what you need to lose weight. At Pharmacy Rx Solutions, we blend fat-burning lipotropics known as methionine, inositol, and choline (or “MIC”) with B12, additional B-complex vitamins, and other ingredients to create our special MIC Plus formula.

When you purchase and use our enhanced Vitamin B12 shots with lipotropics, your kit will include this unique weight loss formula, which consists of the following additional ingredients:

  • Methylcobalamin (B12)
  • Thiamine (B1)
  • Riboflavin (B2)
  • L-carnitine
  • Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)
  • Lidocaine

We’ve carefully chosen these ingredients for their metabolic benefits and energy-boosting capabilities, and when you use our B12 shots in combination with a healthy lifestyle, you may be able to lose excess pounds. To increase your weight loss potential, we recommend that you also purchase calcium pyruvate supplements. This naturally occurring substance helps to metabolize starches and sugars, and can be safely taken along with our lipotropic injections.


To find out if you’re a candidate to use lipotropic injections, call a member of our friendly staff today and request the required paperwork. Once you have completed the forms, blood tests, and have undergone a doctor’s physical evaluation, we can determine whether lipotropic injections could be an effective weight loss tool for you and what dosage would benefit you the most.

Contact Pharmacy Rx Solutions today at 1.866.662.0693 to learn more.