HCG Diet Therapy is Available at Pharmacy Rx Solutions via Suncoast Radiopharmacy Services

HCG Diet Pharmacy If you think you may be a candidate for HCG diet therapy, you can turn to Pharmacy Rx Solutions.  Through Suncoast Radiopharmacy Services, an experienced, trusted, and licensed compounding pharmacy, we offer premium-quality HCG injection therapy to men and women who have been struggling to lose weight. This therapy plan, in conjunction with healthy lifestyle, can get you to feeling like the best version of yourself.

HCG is scientifically known as human chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone is naturally produced by a women’s body during the early stages of pregnancy. In fact, many people know this hormone as the “pregnancy hormone” because many over-the-counter pregnancy tests use presence of HCG to first detect gestation. Injections of this hormone have also been purported to help non-pregnant women and men lose weight.

However, the HCG diet therapy we offer at Pharmacy Rx Solutions is not simply an injection, it is a comprehensive therapy program. The diet that should be followed to see results include:

  • Drinking one gallon of water per day
  • Avoiding sugary foods
  • Avoiding starchy foods
  • Consuming no more than 500 calories per day

When participants of HCG injection therapy are following this diet, they typically report none of the adverse side effects one may assume would come along with following such a stringent diet, such as fatigue and hunger.


For additional information on the HCG diet therapy we have available at Pharmacy Rx Solutions via Suncoast Radiopharmacy Services, contact us today. We would be glad to get you started on our simple evaluation process to deem if you are an adequate fit for this therapy.