B12 Shots for Sale at Pharmacy Rx Solutions

b12 shotsIf you want to buy B12 shots from a reputable supplier, you can turn to Pharmacy Rx Solutions. We are a licensed U.S. pharmacy that is permitted to distribute B12 injections and related supplies, so you can be confident that anything you order from us will be of the highest quality.

Our B12 shots are enhanced with a special blend of lipotropics, or fat-burning amino acids. The lipotropics known collectively as “MIC” – methionine, inositol, and choline – are all natural substances that help prevent the buildup of cholesterol, metabolize fat, and remove wastes and toxins from the liver. We combine these lipotropics with B-complex vitamins (B1, B2, B12) and other ingredients (Vitamin C, L-carnitine, lidocaine) to form our unique MIC Plus injection formula. And, when used in combination with a healthy lifestyle, injections of B12 with lipotropics may help you reach your weight loss goals.

To find out if B12 shots are right for you, call one of our friendly staff members today to learn more. Once we receive completed paperwork, blood test results, and evidence of a doctor’s physical evaluation, we can determine if lipotropic injections are right for you and what dosage could help you the most. We also recommend that you purchase calcium pyruvate supplements, which will help metabolize sugars and starches, and can be safely used with our B12 shots.

Contact Pharmacy Rx Solutions today at 1.866.662.0693 for more information about our B12 injections.