B12 Shot Kits Available from Pharmacy Rx Solutions

B12 shotA B12 shot package from Pharmacy Rx Solutions may be just what you need to finally reach your weight loss goals. Our special formula blends energy-boosting B-complex vitamins with fat-blasting amino acids called lipotropics.

Lipotropics are substances produced naturally in the body that help to break down fat, remove toxins from the liver, and prevent cholesterol buildup. Our B12 injection formula, called MIC Plus, includes the lipotropics methionine, inositol, and choline. Our B12 shot formula also includes a number of other specially selected ingredients:

  • B12 vitamin
  • B1 vitamin
  • B2 vitamin
  • L-carnitine – fat metabolizing agent
  • Ascorbic acid – Vitamin C
  • Lidocaine – anesthetic

When you purchase a B12 and lipotropic injection package, we recommend that you also take a calcium pyruvate supplement with the injections. This naturally occurring substance helps to metabolize sugars and starches and is sold separately.

To learn more about our B12 shot kits, call a member of our staff today. Once you’ve completed the required paperwork, doctor’s physical assessment, and blood tests, we can determine whether our MIC Plus injections are right for you and what dosage would benefit you the most. We are a licensed U.S. pharmacy legally permitted to dispense B12 shot package, so you never have to worry about the quality of our products.

Contact Pharmacy Rx Solutions today at 1.866.662.0693 to learn more about our unique MIC Plus injections for weight loss.